Saturday, 18 August 2012

SucCesS ScrIpTed

Just leaving behind the darker side,
Forward to achieve something wide,
Setting new limits for the exceptions,
Now, ready to face the face, ready to cross every gate.

But after looking failure in the mirror,
Making efforts to obliterate in real,
Not sadistic just to prove myself,
As never take anything minor.

Being quixotic is not the way,
As barking dogs seldom barks,
Put yourself in the kiln of work,
Beyond that limit that just not matched.

Battle of life should be lessons for others,
Mission of life to make impressions for others.

But never forget past, as it yours,
As it’s the union of your win and loss,
Let you stop, not to repeat faults,
That’s only a way to improve your goals.

Work to reach the peak of success,
Work is only the work of success,
But perfect is that work, you deserving through,
As that much of patience is only in few.

Labour is not only criteria for success,
Also the luck, which carry you to that,
But never trust luck, as it increases indolence,
There’s only hard work that only you can…

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