Saturday, 18 August 2012

ChaRactEr RedEfiNed oR ReFinEd...

Seems whimsical sometimes, may be true,
Very patient, but hate to stand in a queue,

Don’t like her face, but it’s not a matter,
Other’s view is even much more greater,

A bead of mixed characters,
But explaining few selected will be better,
Very garrulous but listen patiently,
Very childish nature, attracting everyone widely,

Having an art of making funny face,
Creativity in hand, never go in trash,
Look mature but still fallible indeed,
Under the ground like an alone seed,

It’s better to show strength aside,
But cracked & scratched exorbitantly inside,
And flourishing the open-mindedness always,
May prove you fake & fragile,

Anxious when someone reacts abnormally,
Very proud, also sympathies you terribly,
Strength to candid, geared through anger,
But perplexed even at certain danger,

Admitting ambitious may detoured in a way,
But achieve completely her goal it’s my pray...

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