Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Lovely, Lonely and Only Girl…

Everything stashed,
Something crashed,
Joy and grief,
Part of life indeed,

Eclectic in graces,
Avarice of blesses,
Prevalent pain,
Hope all go in vain,

Fraud affairs,
Generous prayers,
Feeling very lonely,
But nature is homely,

Smuggling thoughts,
Afraid of ghosts,
Eternal is the feeling,
Waiting for the healing,

Gifts, fun for all,
No praises for that girl,
But she is good,
One of best in the woods,

Esoteric emotions,
Sensible missions,
Innocuous deeds,
Appearing woozy,

Very much moody...
Can’t write more,
But really adore,
Naughty, cute and all,
She is a beautiful doll,
Just to concede,
I care indeed...
Just to console,
Love by all...


  1. awestruck..
    the ease with which u compose (both hindi and english) is unbelievable...

    1. It happens only bcoz of appreciation... :)
